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Karen Ehrenfeldt, an artist, intuitive, and metaphysician, with over 30 years experience in the field of study, has in depth experience in personal development, practical and magical arts, and a wealth of knowledge to share. Given Karen’s wide variety of experience, she offers classes in her areas of speciality. Working with sacred sites, meditation, singing, and the creative process are her passions.

Karen also offers advanced metaphysical study in long term classes. Check her current schedule or ask about a topic you are interested in, Karen will be happy to work with you to pull together a group interested in the same subject!

~Core Metaphysics~

Curious about the world you live in and wonder about the mysterious dynamics affecting you? In this ever changing and dramatically interesting world we live in, being able to tap into deeper currents for insight and creative potential is greatly beneficial. Working with a metaphysical approach is an asset in this regard, and you can start to learn how. In this course we'll draw together a small group of people to explore the various building blocks of creation and how you can more effectively interact with the world around you..

This 9-week course is an excellent introduction to the experience of a general metaphysical study. It can serve you as a foundation course upon which to further your study, or if it is the only dip into metaphysics you take, you'll receive knowledge and tools that can benefit you for the rest of your life.

You will be introduced to an overview of metaphysical concepts and practices, guided in basic meditation techniques, and work with mental tools for problem solving, healing, transformation, and manifestation. Being both intellectual and experiential, we'll explore ways of working within ourselves, the earth, and divine energies. Taking a broad cultural view, we will address the various approaches drawn from ancient beliefs and do our work in a fairly non-cultural, non-archetypal, and universal way.

The content of the forest version of the class is the same as the evening one, though being in the woods may invite some druidic emphasis. Of practical significance to the forest version, you'll need to be able to walk the gentle to moderate trails and carry a daypack. If one of these classes calls to you, it will be a delight to see you there!

~ Transition Energy in Personal Development and Self Awareness in Personal Development~

Transition Energy (TE) and Self Awareness (SA) are separate courses, each an internally focused path for healing, expansion, growth, and personal transformation. Both paths teach ways of connecting to higher wisdom and working with energy, TE is more mystically or experientially inclined, whereas SA is more practically or logically inclined.

These are in depth, long term classes that require a commitment to practice and apply what is learned in order to gain the benefit of the experience. Only those with serious interest should inquire.

~ An Evening with a Druid ~

This is an interactive presentation on the subject & experience of Druidry at the introductory level. Contact Karen to schedule one for your group!