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Intuitive Counseling

Within these intuitive counseling sessions, I seek to create an atmosphere of healing, insight, and connection. Sometimes the person seeking guidance (querent) has done quite a bit of introspection already and desires an added perspective. Other times, I work with the querent to explore the issues of their life in order to reveal the true concerns that lay hidden beneath the surface. And this discovery lays the groundwork for the rest of our session together.

In seeking higher guidance, I will use divinatory methods, the choice of which is intuitive in the moment. This portion is also conversational as we delve further into their expressed concerns. It is my intention and desire that useful, helpful, healing information come forth. And because of this, these sessions are truly collaborative and creative. Of course, as with all guidance offered, it is up to the individual to discern the worthiness, and whether to act upon any of it, or choose not to.

Practicing an ancient Druidic form of divination using Talismans, I assist in providing intuitive guidance. The process reveals understanding of Universal support and provides perspective on the issues being addressed. Depending upon the issue, I may also use cards for specific insight into the querent’s concerns. The nature of these methods offer insight into creativity, blockages, and keys to move forward in life.

These intuitive counseling sessions are beneficial in gaining deeper understanding and greater perspective on concerns when there is a lack of clarity, as well as confirmation of one's own intuition if needed. Either way, additional guidance may be received to assist in navigating this very active and interesting time we live in.

The sessions run varying lengths of time and are based on your income/support per hour, for our time together is of equal value.

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